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Legal Requirements to Establish an Aircraft Component Manufacturing Business in India


Introduction: Aircraft Component

An aircraft is one the most magnificent pieces of engineering. From simple equipment to travel by air, the aircraft was manufactured and it turned out to be more complex than conventional methods of flying. A vehicle that’s heavier than air is equipped to hold and transport around 200 people at once is man’s most significant and useful invention. Apart from an aircraft’s capacity to hold people along with their luggage, it is also the fastest mode of transport. To offer all of its tasks, its essential to understand that an aircraft functions on a complex mechanism and every part or component of the aircraft is unique. An Aircraft component refers to any part, including any piece of equipment, whose soundness and proper operation, when installed on an aircraft, are crucial to the aircraft's continuous airworthiness or safety.

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Many different factors influence how an aircraft is developed, including consumer and manufacturer demand, safety regulations, and practical and financial limits. National airworthiness agencies regulate the design process for many different types of aircraft. An Aircraft’s Components are divided into 3 parts-

  • The structure or an airframe consists of the major load-bearing components, related machinery, and flying controls. 
  • The power source and any related equipment are included in the propulsion system powerplant if one is present.
  • The electrical and electronic control, navigation, and communication systems make up the avionics. The avionics include any electronic flight control systems for an aircraft as well as any associated hardware, such as electronic cockpit instrumentation, navigation, radar, monitoring, and communications systems.

What Are The Different Types of Aircraft Components?

In order to create a somewhat smooth aeroshell stretched over a stiff frame, early aircraft, especially airships, frequently used flexible doped aircraft fabric covering. The skin of later aircraft was stiff enough to share a large portion of the flight stresses thanks to semi-monocoque technology. There is no internal structure in a pure monocoque design. Due to its 10 times greater strength than steel and significantly lower carbon footprint than conventional materials like steel, hemp has gained considerable attention in the recent focus on sustainability. 

Further, in order to determine what components shall be used in an aircraft is determined upon what type the aircraft is- 

As per its Structure

  • Aerodynes

A core fuselage (the main body of the aircraft) and one or more wings define heavier-than-air types. In addition to the undercarriage for take-off and landing, the fuselage frequently carries a tail or empennage for stability and control. Engines may be mounted on the wings or the fuselage. The wings of a rotorcraft are attached to a rotating vertical shaft, as opposed to the inflexible attachment of the wings to the fuselage of a fixed-wing aircraft. Sometimes, in smaller designs, the entire structure is made of flexible materials, kept in place either by a rigid frame or by air pressure. The airframe is made up of the fixed elements of the structure.

  • Aerostats 

One or more gasbags, often supported by flexible cables or a stiff framework known as the hull, are what make lighter-than-air type of aircrafts unique. The supporting structure may also be linked to additional components like engines or a gondola.

As per its Power

Typically referred to as the powerplant, the source of motive force for an aircraft consists of the engine or motor, propeller or rotor, (if applicable), jet nozzles and thrust reversers, and any accessories required for the proper operation of the engine or motor. A variety of those are starter, ignition system, intake system, exhaust system, fuel system, lubrication system, engine cooling system, and engine controls. Internal combustion engines, either piston or turbine-powered, often use fossil fuels like jet fuel or avgas to power aircraft. Only a few numbers are propelled by rockets, ramjets, electric motors, various forms of internal combustion engines, or other fuels. Very few have used human muscle energy for brief flights like the Gossamer Condor which was the first human controlled aircraft.

Avionics (Electronics to aircraft)

The avionics include any electronic flight control systems for an aircraft as well as any associated hardware, such as electronic cockpit instrumentation, navigation, radar, monitoring, and communications systems.

How To Store Aircraft Components?

  • The aircraft parts must be stored in a clean and well-ventilated room. 
  • Unusually heavy and long parts should be adequately supported, while in storage, so that     maintain   the   intended   shape   without   strain.    
  • Manufacturers'   instructions in this regard should be followed. 
  • Tyres should be stored vertically in racks having support   tubes, so that each tyre is supported at two points on the tread.  This support tubes should be close enough so that major portion of the tyres is above the tubes. 
  • The tyres should be turned to a new position every three months or so.
  • Aircraft hoses and hose assemblies should be stored uncoiled and supported so as to release stresses.    
  • Temperature: The storage temperature should be between 50   deg.F and 70 deg. F and the distance between the stored articles and the source of heat should be more than 3 feet.
  • Humidity: The relative humidity in the store room should be around 65 per cent.   
  • Light: Rubber parts should not be exposed to strong light e.g. direct rays of sun. The store rooms should be kept as dark as practicable. 
  • Oxygen: Isolation from atmospheric oxygen greatly increases the storage limiting period of rubber parts.  Where possible   parts should be racked in airtight containers, or wrappings   and liberal use of talc or French chalk is also recommended. If parts are packed in airtight tins, they should be lined with wax paper or polythene to avoid direct contact with the metal.
  • Deformation: Rubber parts should, wherever possible, be stored in a 'relaxed' position free from compression or   distortion,   and in all cases with the least possible   deformation, since deformation greatly aggravates the action   of ozone and can also lead to permanent changes in shape and dimensions.  Articles received pre-packed in a strain free condition can, with advantage, be stored in their original packing.   Spring loaded seals should, if stored for any length of time, have the spring removed. 
  • Contamination: Rubber parts should not come in contact with   liquids or vapour concentrations of any kind during storage even though they may be subsequently used in contact with a similar fluid.  Contact with copper, brass or rusty iron, or with any compounds of manganese. 

What Licenses are Required to Start its Business?

  • Airworthiness Directive

A document issued or authorized by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) that specifies repairs that must be made to an aircraft in order to return it to a reasonable degree of safety is known as an airworthiness directive. To preserve the ongoing airworthiness of the product, the regulatory authority of the State of Design/Manufacture of an aircraft, aircraft component, and item of equipment issues airworthiness directives.

  • Registration of Company

According to the laws governing companies and how they function in India, your firm must be incorporated under the Companies Act of 1872. It is possible to form a partnership or an LLP, after which the entity can be registered. A company can become a distinct legal body with its own identity and become eligible for a number of benefits once it is registered.

  • Udyog Aadhar Registration (MSME)

Along with details on the investment procedure and the suitability of manufacturing equipment, the registration procedure is also disclosed. The basic prerequisites for such registration must be met by all Medium, Small, and Micro industries operating in the manufacturing or service sectors.

  • Factory License

The Factories Act of 1948 mandates that any industry with a manufacturing facility obtain a factory license. To safeguard employee safety and be eligible for registration and renewal incentives, a factory must have a license. A factory license must be obtained from a state agency if the company has more than 10 employees; if it has less than 10, the local authority can give the required license.

  • Registration under the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA)

The step is essential during registering a company/factory in India. On the MCA portal, the SPICe+ form must be completed and submitted. The director of the company must register on the MCA portal in order to complete the SPICe+ form and submit supporting documentation. The director can log in and utilize the MCA portal services, including submitting electronic forms and accessing public documents, after registering.

Compliances Required For an Airworthiness Directive (AD)

  • Aeronautical product manufacturers typically provide technical information to operators in the form of Service Bulletins, Service Instructions, Service Letters, or other material regarding the proposed changes to their products. 
  • Aeronautical Component manufacturers typically provide technical information to operators in the form of Service Bulletins, Service Instructions, Service Letters, or other material regarding the proposed changes to their products.
  • Each operator is required to analyse any relevant information obtained from the manufacturers and, based on how it would improve operational safety, they shall implement it. These could be for improved product performance, to stop the recurrence of minor flaws, for material or life development advancement, etc.
  • After reviewing the information contained in the ADs which is granted by the State of Design, the DGCA will declare them mandatory. Operators must obtain copies of such Airworthiness Directives from the manufacturers or from foreign airworthiness authorities, which are normally available on their respective websites.
  • For aeronautical products designed or manufactured in India, the DGCA shall transmit any information relating to continuing airworthiness and safe operation of aircraft that it deems necessary to every State that has advised the DGCA that they have entered such aircraft on their register, as well as to any other State upon request.
  • At the time of the Annual Review of Airworthiness, manufacturers are required to submit to the Regional Airworthiness office a list of Airworthiness Directives followed during the preceding year.
  • The DGCA shall notify the State of design of any information relating to aircraft continuing airworthiness or aircraft operation that it originates, approves, and declares mandatory.
  • If it is discovered that any AD due on the aircraft, aircraft component, or item of equipment installed on the aircraft has not been met, the Certificate of Airworthiness will not be renewed. Incorporating an unapproved modification into a type certificated product is invalid as well.
  • Normally, an operator should not alter or modify a type certified product unless prior approval from DGCA is obtained. Products, on the other hand, can be modified in accordance with the manufacturer's Service Bulletins or Instructions.
  • In order to renew the validity of a particular Air Operating Permit, the operator must demonstrate a system for complying with the Civil Aviation Regulations of India, including the procedure for receiving mandatory airworthiness information, its analysis, compliance planning, and compliance record maintenance.

What Are The Essential Documents Required?

  • Certificate of Environment Clearance 
  • Consent to utilize generators/electricity.  
  • GST Certificate
  • Fire License/NOC
  • A blueprint of the Manufacturing Plant
  • Certificate of Incorporation of company
  • Factory building stability Certificate
  • ISI Labels on relevant products
  • An Import-Export Code if the business involves the import or export of its products
  • The International Standard for Operation (ISO) Certificate
  • Industrial allotment Certificate
  • Relevant Tax Certificates


With the introduction of the several initiatives, the manufacturing industry has noticed a significant boost in India. The Make in India is a government initiative to create and encourage companies to develop, manufacture, and assemble products made in India, as well as to incentivize dedicated investments in manufacturing. The policy approach was to foster an investment-friendly environment, build modern and efficient infrastructure, and open up new sectors to foreign capital. Due to such initiatives, India has largely received investments from all over the world.

This portion of the site is for informational purposes only. The content is not legal advice. The statements and opinions are the expression of author, not corpseed, and have not been evaluated by corpseed for accuracy, completeness, or changes in the law.


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