Introduction: Delhi Pollution Control Committee Consent
Delhi Pollution Control Committee Consent/NOC/CTO/CTE means No objection certificate which is issued to ensure that the proposed/existing business entity being set up will not cause any harm to the environment or society. For setting up of industries or for change in modernization/ production process/ capacity improvement, provisions has been made that the entrepreneur shall have to obtain No Objection Certificate from the Board.
Table of Contents
- Introduction: Delhi Pollution Control Committee Consent
- What are the types of permissions or NOC required?
- What are the Permissions/ Clearances required?
- What are the categories of Industries?
- What is the procedure to obtain the Consent to Establish and Consent to Operate?
- Documents required To Apply For DPCC License / Registration / Certificate
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What are the types of permissions or NOC required?
Mainly there are two types of consent shall require by business owners:
- Consent to Establish (CTE): This is the first level of permission required from the Pollution department in order to establish a business unit with keeping in mind the all the level of Pollution aspects (Water / AIR / Noise) as per the Pollution Act. Team corpseed help with initial guideline in order to avoid any unnecessary loss due to lack of knowledge.
- Consent to Operate (CTO): This is the second level of permission required from the pollution department in order to make sure the business unit avoids any level of pollution (Water / AIR / Noise) while running the operation.
What are the Permissions/ Clearances required?
Each industry/Business shall obtain multiple NOC’s depending on the nature of the business.
- A No Objection Certificate (NOC) shall be obtained from the Pollution department before the commencement of any activity. Incase Industries falls in the categories of highly polluting, shall conduct the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and submitted to the concern Pollution Department for approval.
- Incase the business unit requires a system of Water and Affecting Effluent Disposal, a No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the concern Pollution Department should be obtained.
- Incase business unit functions outside the nominated Industrial Area, prior permissions have to be taken from the Municipality, Panchayat or Municipal Corporation.
- Proper licensing by the Chief Inspector of Boiler shall be taken in case the business unit uses Boiler.
- A NOC of the Development Commissioner of the Export Processing Zone (EPZ) shall require to incase of 100% Export Oriented Unit (EOU).
What are the categories of Industries?
The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change introduced the guidelines to protect the environment. The categorization of industries is been introduced as below
- Pollution Control Board – White Category
- Pollution Control Board – Green Category
- Pollution Control Board – Orange Category
- Pollution Control Board – Red Category
What is the procedure to obtain the Consent to Establish and Consent to Operate?
- Step 1: An application form shall be filled and uploaded on the official site concerned state pollution authorities.
- Step 2: The required documents shall be uploaded on the official pollution site along with the prescribed fee.
- Step 3: The application gets assigned to the authorized officer for the revision of the application. Along with the physical visits of the promises. A details analysis report gets prepared and submitted to the Sub Regional Officer.
- Step 4: Upon further examination of the documents, the application may be approved or rejected.
- The Delhi Pollution Control Committee will continue to grant Pollution Control No Objection Certificate (NOC/consent to establish) to any category of industries, which are permissible in the mixed land use areas or zones as per by-laws of the notified Master Plan or draft master plan.
- No proposed industry of any category shall be allowed in the approved residential area of any town/city of Delhi and no red/orange category of industry shall be given consent to establish by state pollution control board within the Municipal Corporation limits except in the designated industrial area/zone.
- All Red/Orange/Green category of industries, which shall be established in the areas / Zone other than designated/approved areas such as /Industrial Focal Point /Industrial Area/Approved Industrial Park/Industrial Estate/Industrial Zone of the statutory/non-statutory Master Plans, will be allowed to set up at a distance of 100 meters outside the Municipal Council limits/ phirni of village/ designated residential area /residential area comprising of 15 pucca houses by the Competent Authority of the State. In such cases, certificate of its location/situation from the nearest village lal lakir/ phirni/ Municipal Corporation limits from the Revenue Authorities such as Deputy Commissioner/ Additional Deputy Commissioner or the Sub-Divisional Magistrate will be required for grant of consent to establish (NOC)/ authorization by the State Pollution Control Board.
Documents required To Apply For DPCC License / Registration / Certificate
- CA Certificate
- Location Plan/ Site Plan of the Business Entity.
- Land documents such as Registration deed/ Rent deed/ Jamabandi/ lease deed indicating the details of the property.
- Partnership Deed/Resolution of Board of Directors/ Memorandum of Article of Association /Proprietorship certificate.
- Municipality/Local Body Water Connection Certificate.
Note: Delhi Pollution Control Committee has stated that the application shall be accompanied by 50% of NOC Fee / year as per the total project cost. In case the NOC was not granted online, you are requested to submit a copy of NOC granted, Feasibility Report and copy of Project Report submitted at the time of obtaining No Objection Certificate.
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