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How to Import Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET or Single-Use Plastics) Flakes or PET Waste in India


Considering the burden of plastic waste recycling in India, the government banned the import of plastic waste. But later on, the ban was lifted and the import of plastic waste was allowed in 2019. The lift of the ban on the import of Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) was not absolute. The plastic waste importers need to obtain prior approval from the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) before importing plastic items into the country. This keeps track of the amount imported so that the further disposal of such items can be ensured in an environmentally safe and sound manner. Let’s dive deep into the comprehensive blog and understand the requirements and process of how to import Polyethylene Terephthalate, single-use plastic flakes and waste in India.

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What is Polyethylene Terephthalate?

The definition of plastic under the plastic waste management rules contains many plastics known by various names and Polyethylene Terephthalate is one of them. Other names include Polypropylene, Polystyrene Resins, Polyphenylene Oxide, Polycarbonate, Polybutylene Terephthalate, Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene, Polyethylene, and Vinyl. This clarifies that Polyethylene Terephthalate is a plastic regulated for import in India. It is also known as single-use plastic or PET.

Read Our Blog: How to Recycle Single-Use Plastic

Need of Import of Polyethylene Terephthalate

Polyethylene Terephthalate is a highly used material to make plastic products and the same is consumed in the country at a huge level. The recycling of this plastic material is a great business opportunity. To further boost the recycling of plastic waste not just in India but also plastic waste is available from other countries by means of import. Mostly the countries that do not have the proper infrastructure to recycle their plastic waste, export the same to other countries where the businesses dealing with the recycling of plastic grab the opportunity by importing the polyethene terephthalate. These recyclers recycle the imported plastic waste and generate profits by selling the end products. The end products further provide raw materials to the plastic manufacturers at comparatively low cost.

Import Rule for the Polyethylene Terephthalate

The import policy of polyethylene restricts the import of such plastic waste. Restricted items can only be imported after prior approval by the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT). The importer has to submit an application to the DGFT for the grant of a Plastic Waste Import Licence. After due scrutinising of the application and documents submitted by the importer, the Import licence for plastic waste is provided to the importer which is required to present at the time of customs clearance as well with other requisite documents.

CPCB Permission for Polyethylene Terephthalate Import

The Central Pollution Control Board also prescribe compliance for the import of plastic materials. The Polyethylene Terephthalate Importers need to get EPR Authorization for Plastic Waste and then they need to fulfil the responsibilities as prescribed under the plastic waste management rules. To get CPCB Authorisation to import plastic waste you need to apply for the same online through the Plastic Waste portal and register thereunder by providing the necessary details, documents and fees. After thorough verification of the details submitted the Central Pollution Control Board will provide importer registration for plastic waste. Without EPR registration, neither the DGFT will provide an import licence nor will the consignment be cleared from customs.

Step-by-Step Process for the Import of Plastic Waste

To import polyethylene terephthalate in India you need to go through multiple regulating authorities and obtain relevant permissions, licence and authorisation. We at corpseed provide you with a one-stop solution for all your business needs. If you choose to take the assistance of corpseed to import plastic waste into India, we will get the job done in five simple and easy steps-

  • Connect with us: Our representatives will receive your concern and connect you with the relevant department.
  • Dedicated Professional: You will then have an interaction with our dedicated professional assigned to you.
  • Application Procedure: Our team will file the application on your behalf as per the details and documents provided by you.
  • Application Status: Our team will stay in touch with you and keep updating you about the progress of the application. You may also check the status of your application online.
  • Service Delivery: Your applied certificates will be delivered to you through email, post or any other reasonable means.

Concerns Regarding Plastic Waste Management in India

The impact of plastic waste generated and processed in India is a growing concern for the environment and public safety. For this reason, the waste is regulated by the pollution control authorities. Recycling may not be the issue but the collection, segregation and transportation of this waste to the recycling facility is a major issue. The Import of Polyethylene Terephthalate which is also known as single-use plastic and PET is allowed to import but the regulating authorities are ensuring that the imported plastic and waste get disposed of by the importer at his own cost. This is necessary to not increase the burden of waste management on the country which is already burdened by its own waste generation.


To sum up, the import of Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) and other plastic waste materials in India has been the subject of careful regulation. Recognizing the environmental challenges posed by plastic waste requires the importers to get prior approval from the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT). PET, a widely used plastic, offers significant opportunities to plastic recyclers as it will be available for recycling in abundance throughout the country. Imports of the same are also possible from the countries that wish to export their plastic waste primarily because of the lack of recycling infrastructure in the country. Recycling of plastic waste also provides a cost-effective source of raw materials for plastic manufacturers. However, the process is strictly regulated, requiring approvals from both DGFT and the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB).

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