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What is Form MD - 7 And Form MD - 9?


Introduction: Form MD-7 and Form MD-9

Form MD- 7 and Form MD- 9 are part of the nonsupervisory frame for medical bias in India, overseen by the Central medicines Standard Control Organisation (CDSCO). These forms are used in colourful stages of the licensing and blessing process for manufacturing and dealing medical bias.

Form MD- 7 is exploited to apply for a manufacturing license. In discrepancy, Form MD- 9 is used to apply for a license to manufacture Class C or Class D medical bias for retail or non-commercial distribution.

While Form MD- 9 is used to gain a license to produce Class C and Class D medical bias, Form MD- 7 is used to submit an operation for a license to vend and distribute Class C and Class D medical bias.

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What is the Purpose of Form MD- 7 and Form MD- 9?

Form MD- 7

It is used to apply for a license to manufacture medical bias that fall under Class C and D orders. These classes include advanced- threat bias, which bear more strict nonsupervisory oversight.

Crucial Features

  • Application Form: This form is submitted to the CDSCO or the State Licensing Authority as part of the operation process.
  • Information needed: Includes details about the manufacturer, the device, the quality operation system in place, and compliance with necessary norms and guidelines.
  • Supporting Documents: Aspirants must give colourful supporting documents, similar as product details, clinical evaluation reports, threat operation lines, and substantiation of compliance with applicable norms.

Form MD- 9

Purpose Form MD- 9 is the instrument of compliance with respect to the manufacture of medical bias. This form certifies that the manufacturing process and installations meet the needed norms set by the nonsupervisory authorities.

Crucial Features

  • Certification Form: This form is issued by the CDSCO or the State Licensing Authority after a thorough review and examination of the manufacturing installations.
  • Details Included:  It includes information about the manufacturing point, the specific bias covered under the instrument, and evidence that all nonsupervisory conditions are met.
  • Validity: The instrument ensures that the manufacturing processes are biddable with the necessary safety and quality norms. 

What are the Documents are required for MD-7 and MD-9 Manufacturing ?

  • Cover letter
  • Operation form
  • Freights challan damage
  • Establishment constitution details – Partnership details, property protestation, list of mates along with age, and complete postal
  • Address
  • Point power documents agreement of tenants
  • Factory manufacturing details as per excursus I present under the III part of the fourth schedule, along with the protestation of manufacturing druggist, critic druggist, educational qualification documents, and appointment letter,
  • Each product’s device master train as per excursus II/ III of the fourth schedule
  • Still, a performance evaluation report
  • If applicable a, Test license dupe only if applicable

How can apply for a Medical Device MD-9 Licence?

While making an operation to gain MD 9 Medical Device License for Class C and Class D Devices, the aspirant must fulfil the ensuing conditions

  • Step 1: Register your association on the SUGAM Portal of CDSCO. After 
  • Step 2: Apply for the MD- 9 Medical Device License for Class C and Class D Devices. The operation should be submitted on Form MD- 7 through the online SUGAM Portal of CDSCO.
  • Step 3: Upload the needed documents and pay the figure. The needed documents include Memorandum of Association, trade Rent Deed, Plant Layout, Site Master train, Device Master train for each product, Performance evaluation report, etc.
  • Step 4: Your operation will be scanned by the CDSCO Team for compliance .However, it'll be reused for quality operation system compliance inspection by the CDSCO Team, if your operation is set up in order.
  • Step 5: The CDSCO Team will conduct the inspection at the aspirant’s manufacturing premises. However, it'll be notified through the SUGAM Portal of CDSCO and you have to submit NC check report along with substantiation, if any Non-Conformance (NC) is raised by the inspection platoon.
  • Step 6: Once all the conditions of the MD- 9 Medical Device License for Class C and Class D bias are complied with, the license is to be granted by the CDSCO.

Validity of Manufacturing License Received In Form MD-9

A valid Form MD-9 license does not have fixed expiry date; it lasts forever subject to the timely payment of license retention fee within 5 years of the issue date as per the Second Schedule, unless 
it is suspended/ cancelled by the Central Licensing Authority, so the applicant should applied within 45 days from the date of action 

How to Renew Your MD-9 Licence: Process and Required Documents

Renewing your MD 9 Licence is critical to remaining compliant and manufacturing or selling medical devices in India. Here's a breakdown of the main deadlines and costs to prevent fines or licence cancellation.

  • Key Renewal Deadlines: 5-Year Renewal Period Your MD 9 licence must be renewed every five years from the date of issuing.
  • Late Payment Grace Period: If you miss the renewal deadline, you have 180 days to pay the renewal charge, after which a 2% late fee per month will be imposed. 
  • Licence Cancellation: If you fail to pay the renewal price within 180 days, your licence will be automatically cancelled.

CDSCO Regulation of MD-7 and MD-9

The Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation (CDSCO) regulates Forms MD-7 and MD-9 in India. The CDSCO is the country's regulatory authority for pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and cosmetics. 

Here is how the CDSCO regulates these forms

Form MD-7 (Application for Manufacturing Class C and D Medical Devices)

  • The CDSCO is responsible for processing and reviewing applications filed using Form MD-7. 
  • It guarantees that production facilities and procedures adhere to the Medical Device Rules of 2017 and other applicable requirements.
  • The CDSCO or the State Licencing Authority (SLA), which operates under the CDSCO's jurisdiction, provides manufacturing licences for Class C and D medical devices after evaluating Form MD-7 applications. 

Form MD-9 (Certificate of Compliance for Manufacturing)

  • The CDSCO performs or supervises inspections of manufacturing plants to ensure compliance with regulatory standards. 
  • During facility inspections, it validates conformity with ISO 13485 or comparable quality management systems, as well as Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs).
  • After a successful inspection and compliance verification, the CDSCO issues Form MD-9, which certifies the manufacturing facility's conformity with regulatory criteria.


Finally, Forms MD-7 and MD-9 are critical components of India's regulatory framework for medical device production, which is controlled by the Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation (CDSCO). Form MD-7 is used to apply for a manufacturing licence for Class C and D medical devices, assuring compliance with severe regulatory requirements. Form MD-9 verifies compliance with manufacturing standards and is issued following a comprehensive examination and verification by the CDSCO.

These forms help to ease the licencing and compliance process, ensuring that manufacturers meet regulatory safety and quality standards. By regulating MD-7 and MD-9, the CDSCO ensures the integrity and safety of medical devices manufactured in India, protecting public health.

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