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Registration Policy for Grant of Registration/Renewal of Registration to Various Categories of Traders


General Guidelines

E-Filing of Applications is mandatory for obtaining registration/renewal of registration by all categories of traders. Manual Applications will not be entertained.

Registration/Renewal of registration may be granted to all categories of applications received within the stipulated time if they are in order.

Applications received beyond the prescribed due dates may be considered for grant of registration.

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Procedure Or Reconsideration Of Applications, That Were Rejected And The Defects Were Rectified Beyond The Prescribed Time

  • For Fresh Cases, revision petitions filed beyond the prescribed time may be rejected except for Exporter of Unmanufactured Tobacco & Tobacco Products.
  • For Renewal Cases, revision petitions filed beyond the prescribed time may be considered and registration may be granted by the Chairman subject to rectifying the defects by levying a penalty of Rs. 8000/-.
  • In case of all categories of traders, who undertake processing/manufacturing/trading/grading or exporting tobacco and tobacco products without obtaining registration from the Tobacco Board by violation of Section 11A, 11B (i) and 12 of the Tobacco Board Act, 1975, registration may be granted subject to payment of normal registration fee plus two times the amount of registration fee applicable to that category as penalty fee or the maximum late application fee applicable to that category whichever is more as a penalty fee for each year during which the firm carried on the business.
  • In case of all categories of traders, who have applied or fresh/renewed of registration n the middle of the calendar year, but transacted business in the calendar year prior of filing of the application, such applications may be considered and grant registration subject to payment of Rs. 5000/- as penalty in addition to the normal registration fee and late application fee as applicable.
  • In Case of defective applications, the defects may be informed to the applicants and if the defects re rectified within 30 days from the date of notice, registration/ renewal of registration may be granted subject to fulfilment of other conditions, otherwise such applications (except Processors & Manufacturers) are liable for rejection according to the Tobacco Board Rules, 1976. (The Appeals if any made by the applicants according to the Tobacco Board Act, 1975, such applicants re required to pay late response penalty of Rs. 2000/- subject to fulfilment of other requirements).
  • In Case of all categories of traders, of who have lost the registration certificate issued by the Board and requesting or issue of a duplicate certificate, in such cases duplicate certificate may be issued on payment of Rs. 1000/- and on submission of Indemnity Bond on notarized Non-Judicial Stamp Paper of Rs. 100/-.


  • All the Categories of traders are required to submit the “Letter of Undertaking” in the prescribed proforma available in our website, duly signed by the Authorized person and upload the scanned copy through the online system.
  • The Registered Traders should not violate any of the provisions of the Tobacco Board Act, Rules, Regulations, terms and conditions of certifications of registration or renewal of registration granted by the Board, directions issued by the Board from time to time and stipulations laid down by the Board for discharging the various activities as prescribed under Section 8 of Tobacco Board Act, 1975.
  • The applicants (in case of proprietary concerns) shall submit a copy of Pan Card of the Proprietor as Identification proof.
  • All the Categories of Trades are required to submit the “GST Certificate” and upload he scanned copy through the online system.


  • The applicant should furnish the quantity and value of the Tobacco Products manufactured during the last three financial years in the case of manufacturers.
  • In case of the Processors, the Applicant should furnish the quantity of Tobacco processed during the last three financial years.
  • If the applicants rectify the defects after 30 days from the date of the Board’s Notice, registration may be granted by levying a penalty of Rs. 5000/-.


  • Every applicant should upload the attested copy of the import and Export Code Certificate through the online system.
  • If the Firm is registered already with the Board as Dealer in Tobacco and apply in the middle of the year for conversion of registration Exporter, registration may be granted accordingly subject to submission of required documents/information for registration as Exporter, payment of different amount of Registration fee and Conversion Charge of Rs. 1000/-
  • The applicant should furnish the value of Exports of Un-Manufactured Tobacco during the last three financial years.

The Applicants seeking registration/ renewal of registration as Exporter of Unmanufactured tobacco should furnish the particulars of godowns/warehouses/handling points (including branches) at the relevant column in the following manner:

  • Location- Address in Full With Phone Number.
  • Whether own or lease.
  • In case of a lease, furnish full address of the owner and upload a copy of the lease agreement on Rs. 100/- non-judicial stamp paper.
  • Space of each godown in square feet.
  • The Applicants seeking fresh registration and filed applications beyond the Statutory last Date, Registration may be granted to those companies, who register afresh with the Director General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) and obtain a Certificate of Importer and Exporter Code (IEC) afresh without levying late application fee as mentioned above, in the interest of export promotion, as the new exporters for want of registration from Tobacco Board should not forget export business.


  • The applicant applied fresh, and shall possess a warehouse/godown to stock at least 2 lorry loads of Tobacco bought by him.
  • The applicants should furnish the particulars of godowns/warehouses/handling points (including branches) at the relevant column in the following manner:
  • Location – address in full with phone no.
  • Whether own or lease.
  • In case of a lease, furnish full address of the owner and a copy of the lease agreement on Rs.100/- non-judicial stamp paper.
  • Space of each godown in square feet.
  • The applicant (in case of proprietary concern) shall not have been involved in the cultivation of VFC tobacco without holding a valid license with the Board in the past.


The applicant should furnish the particulars of redrying/threshing plants owned or taken on lease, location, and capacity of redrying/threshing plants.


  • The applicant should possess the godown and North Light Grading Hall and submit the attested copy of the plan of the godown /North Light Grading Hall
  • The application should furnish a copy if the license obtained from the concerned authorities of the Inspector of factories or grading of Tobacco.
  • The applicant shall submit the list of farmers with their registration number endorsed by the concerned Auction Superintendents in case the applicant intends to undertake grading of the tobacco of growers and the names of companies to whom he wants to undertake grading along with a copy of such contract in case he intends to undertake to grade of the Tobacco of Traders.

The Secretary of, the Tobacco Board may be authorized or grant registration/renewal of registration to all the eligible applicants as per criteria aid down for the year 2018.


While laying down the Registration policy for the year 2018, the Board decided to levy penalties or late submission of returns with effect from 01.10.2018 to 30.09.2018 as shown below:

  • A penalty of Rs. 500/- per Month shall be levied, if the returns are resubmitted after 15th and before the end of the succeeding month.
  • A penalty of Rs. 1000/- per month shall be levied, if the delay is beyond one month.

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