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Permission To Import License for Medical Devices in India - Form MD 14 & MD 15


Before delving into the details of Forms MD 14 and MD 15, it is essential to comprehend the overall regulations overseeing medical devices in India. In India, the regulations for the import, production, and commercialization of medical devices are outlined in the 2017 Medical Devices Rules, which operate under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act of 1940. CDSCO is the top regulatory authority responsible for approving and regulating such devices within the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. It, therefore, presents the stringent demand that any medical device has to ensure on quality, safety, and efficiency before it can be marketed. The framework includes within an effective assessment, certification, and compliance procedure-into which fall Forms MD 14 and MD 15.

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What Is Form MD-14?

Form MD-14 of the Government of India is the form for the application for registration to be issued an import license meant for medical devices in India. The form, which is applied through the Central Drugs Standard Control Organization, contains the details of the medical device, its classification, intended use, and the manufacturer. Documents in support of the application form shall be attached, including a Certificate of Free Sale from Country of Origin, Proof of Compliance with International Standards, and Labeling Information. Proper filling of Form MD 14 is necessary for regulatory approval, and only on proper filling of this form will the imported medical device meet the minimum time for safety and quality compliance prescribed for use in India.

Key Components Of Form MD-14

  • Application Information: Details of the importing company, including name, address, and contact information.
  • Device Information: Full details of the device, description of intended use, classification, and technical description.
  • Manufacturer Information: Manufacturer address, license type, etc., and compliance by the manufacturer with international standards.
  • Regulatory History: Details of regulatory approval, if any, received by the device in other countries—Certificate of Conformity/Equivalence.
  • Labeling and Packaging: Details of labeling and packaging for the device, which should indicate compliance with the Indian requirements.
  • Declaration and Undertaking: Attested declaration by the importer that his device is complying with Indian regulations and an undertaking to adhere to post-market surveillance requirements.

Benefits Of Form MD-14

  • Health Screening: Form MD-14 aids in uncovering any medical or health conditions that may affect a person's functionality with regards to some tasks or duties. The forms ensure that a person is medically and psychologically suited for the task.
  • Safety: This form aids in conducting medical tests to avoid possible health hazards or accidents that might result from the individual medical condition, thus enhancing safety at the workplace or in military personnel.
  • Compliance: The form allows organizations to comply with health and safety laws and standards enacted by law or organizational policies.
  • Record Keeping: It provides a documented record of the medical status of a particular individual at a particular time for future referencing or in case of disputes regarding medical fitness.
  • Informed Decisions: It facilitates the organization in making informed decisions regarding postings, promotions, or job profiles for its personnel because of the medical evaluation reports.

How To Register For Form MD-14?

Understand Requirements:

Be sure about the requirements on the ground regarding the import of medical devices into India. This comprises meeting all the requirements that CDSCO has stipulated through its specific laws and guidelines.

Gather Documents Required for Application:

  • Finally, compile all the relevant documents necessary for applying. Normally, it includes:
  • Manufacturer's license or registration certificate from its country of origin.
  • Certificate of Free Sale.
  • Quality assurance certificates - for example, ISO certification.
  • Product description and technical details duly documented.
  • Details of the registered Indian Agent, if any.
  • Any other documents as required by CDSCO

Prepare the Application:

Then fill up Form MD-14. Now, download this form from the CDSCO website or procure one from the nearest CDSCO office. Ensure that all the relevant information is filled up, and all attachments are attached as required.

Submit the Application:

The dually filled Form MD-14 shall be submitted to the CDSCO along with all of the above-mentioned documents. This is generally done to be uploaded online through the online portal of the CDSCO or can be submitted personally to the CDSCO office.

Pay the Fees:

Pay the fees as prescribed under the application. The fee structure is available on the website of the CDSCO upon inquiry or visiting their office.

Follow Up:

Track the application status post-submission. CDSCO may further contact the applicant with regard to providing more information or documents in regard to the scrutiny process.

Issue of License:

In case of approval of the application, shall receive the import license for the medical devices. Shall have to comply with any additional conditions or requirements that may be specified therein.

Read Our Blog: Medical Device In India: Form MD -14 And MD-15

What Is Form MD-15?

Form MD 15 refers to IVD medical devices, which are the devices used for the in-vitro diagnostics of samples from the human body. Being the diagnosis and control tool for health conditions, they have a high regulation for safety and efficiency issues. Form MD 15 provides compliance with import requirements, taking these critical devices through the necessary standards before they get into the market. Form MD 15 outlines all the information concerning devices, their intended use, and their conformance to health regulations, thereby standing in a position to protect public health and ensure the reliability of diagnostic results.

Key Components Of Form MD-15

  • Applicant Information: This corresponds to form MD 14, which has information that is used to describe the importing company.
  • IVD Device Details: Information specific to in vitro diagnostic devices concerning the type of test the reagents used, and the intended diagnostic purpose.
  • Manufacturer Details: Information on who is the manufacturer of an IVD device along with their qualification and certification details.
  • International Regulatory Approvals: Details of all foreign approvals or certifications obtained for the IVD device.
  • Labeling and Instructions: Information about the labeling, instructions for use, and any safety warnings associated with the IVD device should be provided.
  • Declaration: This shall be done through a declaration that asserts compliance with the Indian regulations and is committed to post-market surveillance.  

Benefits Of Form MD-15

  • Regulatory Compliance: It helps importers comply with local regulations that govern medical device importation and provides availability of all documents to prove that the devices being imported do meet up to the required standards.
  • Quality Assurance: Through detailed information regarding the IVD devices, it aids regulatory bodies in verifying that the devices are of high quality and fit for the intended use.
  • Streamlined Import Process: It facilitates the import process by very clearly outlining what information is required for the regulatory review, and these may reduce potential delays in the importation of devices as well as make the process easier to navigate.
  • Safety and efficacy: It helps in assessing the safety and efficacy of IVD devices, thus safeguarding people's health by ensuring that only such devices which fulfill stringent criteria are allowed to enter the market.
  • Documentation and Record Keeping: This is an official form on importation, which may prove helpful in tracking or auditing.

How To Register For Form MD-15?

Understand Requirements:

Study the country-specific regulations and requirements for importing IVD medical devices into the country. Requirements may vary across jurisdictions, resulting in a scenario of various rules, documents, and procedures.

Organize Required Documents:

These are to be organized in line with the requirements, usually comprising:

  • Device Specifications: Detailed information about the IVD device, including its intended purpose, component details, and labeling details.
  • Manufacturer Information: Information about the manufacturer, his certificates, and quality management system documents.
  • Import License: In some cases, an import license or permit may be required from the concerned health or regulatory authority.
  • Clinical Data: Clinical performance data or proof of efficacy and safety, if necessary
  • Registration Fees: The details regarding the payment for any registration or processing fee, if applicable.

Filling Form MD-15:

Download Form MD-15 from the site or get it from the office of the concerned regulatory authority. Fill out this form with truthful, accurate, and full details in respect of IVD device and its manufacturer. Ensure that the profile information sections are properly filled to avoid delays or rejections.

Form Submission:

The Form MD-15, duly completed with the documentary requirements, shall be forwarded to the regulatory authority. This may be done electronically or otherwise; the procedures differ from country to country.


Following the submission, chase up the receipt status with the regulatory authority and check on the application status. Be prepared to clarify any further information or queries raised.

Wait for Approval:

The submission will undergo review by the regulatory authority. Upon finding everything in order and up to standard, one should receive approval or a registration certificate to permit the importation of the IVD device.

Compliance and Monitoring:

If registered, make sure ongoing compliance with the local regulations on the distribution and use of the IVD device is followed up. This may include periodic reporting or updates to the regulatory authority.

Read Our Blog: Permission to Import Medical Devices: Form MD-14 and Form MD-15


Forms MD-14 and MD-15 are important documents in making medical devices and in-vitro diagnostic devices conform to the requirements of the CDSCO for their safety, quality, and regulations in India. Proper filling and submitting these forms is, therefore, very important in obtaining various licenses to import and maintaining compliance with local regulations. While Form MD-14 deals with general medical devices, Form MD-15 is exclusively in use for IVD devices with their own sets of requirements to prove efficacy and safety. Following these guidelines will therefore ease the regulatory process for importers while contributing towards the protection of public health in India.

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