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How to Start Spices Business in India?

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Introduction: Spice Business

Spices are a valuable currency of any developing Nation. India can be referred to as a basket of spices that beholds a long tradition of indulging in trade with China and Rome. Thanks to its suitable environment, India is the world's leading producer of spices. Almost all spices can be grown in India due to the mild climate.

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Spices are among India's most valuable agricultural crops in terms of both household production and exportation. Spices find application in many industries like;

  • Medicine
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Perfumery
  • Cosmetics

Spices have become much more important acting as a source of natural colors and flavors for the food industry in the era of globalization, owing to consumer resistance to chemical additives.

What are spices?

Spices are full of aroma that aids in the flavor and color enhancement of any food item. They can be used as condiments or seasoning. Entailing vegetables as their origin, spices are enriched with anti-microbial and anti-biotic properties as well, thereby used for medicinal purposes. Spices, apart from the leaves, are the dried parts of aromatic plant species.

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Scenario pertaining to spice in India

India is known as the spice capital of the world, with an availability of a wide variety of spices such as black pepper, ginger, cardamom, turmeric, garlic, chilies, and tree and seed spices. India produces, consumes, and exports the bulk of spices and spicy items. Indian soil and its suitable climate help in the growth of spices in a fruitful manner.

Medicinal uses of spices

Spices produced in India are subject to extensive use in the medicinal industry attributed to their anti-microbial properties. Traditional systems in India like Ayurveda and Unani showcase the natural use of spices in the preparation of medicines. Further spices can be both used internally and externally

Spices Board

Spices Board is the governing organization for ensuring the key development and promotional activities of Indian spices. The Board has been spearheading activities to foster Indian spice excellence in order to assist the Indian Spices Industry in achieving its goal of being the world's premier supplier of fresh and value-added spices and herbs. Eleven spice development agencies (SDA) have been put into place to encourage spice production and marketing.

Challenges faced by the spices business

The challenges and problems that the spice industry faces are enumerated as follows:

  • Low levels of productivity: One of the most important issues confronting the Indian spice industry is low productivity.
  • Product quality issues: Another issue preventing the producer from receiving a fair price is poor product quality 
  • Inadequacy of legal provisions: Our current legal requirements regarding many elements that constitute spice measures are inadequate.
  • The disappearance of indigenous varieties: Owing to the mixing of planting materials, some indigenous spice varieties are rapidly disappearing, resulting in a loss of genetic purity.
  • Post-harvest Handling that isn't up to the mark
  • Spice manufacturing processes are insufficient
  • Stiff competition from other nations

Why start a spice business?

Since India is considered to be a home for varied spices, one must try hands-on starting a spice business by domestically producing it and indulging in export which can yield hefty profits. The spice business sounds promising since it finds its place in numerous applications ranging from medicine to cosmetics.

Spice business: Scope

For their unparalleled consistency and taste, Indian spices are sought after all over the world. India is also one of the world’s largest spice users, with Indian households having a wide range of flavors and spices to thrive. Spices take up less room and have good yields, so a number of small farmers have turned to cultivating them.

The climatic conditions in India, which is inclusive of both tropical and subtropical weather patterns, make it ideal for almost all species.

How to kick start spices export business

In order to fuel the export business in spices one must begin by registering the business under the requisite head of the firm or Pvt ltd etc. Then there is a requirement to acquire import-export code to validate the export business which is issued by DGFT. Once you have furnished the IEC code then launch ahead in the direction of getting a spice registration certificate which is issued by the Indian spices board.

Thereafter fetch the phytosanitary certificate also which shall mandate that the plant products are pest-free. Make sure to have a GST number and FSSAI registration.

  • Requirement of raw materials: Raw materials constitute the basic elements that form the base of the spice industry. One may need to figure out the specific spices to be used for export which can range from fenugreek to pepper. Another step would be to look for good quality and attention-seeking packing material.
  • Requirement of machinery:  
    1. Spice making machine
    2. Grinder
    3. Hammermill
  • Brand: Try having a quality-assured brand with an attractive name and designer label or logo
  • Packaging: Since the spices have the ability to absorb moisture, their packaging must be done keeping this in view since it can lead to caking and discoloration. Further natural oils present in spices get oxidized.
  • Selling the final product: The penultimate step revolves around selling the product using the right platform. One can sell the spice in the local market, wholesale or retail it, or can also do business online by having a website or by connecting with the other biggies in the market.

The required investment for a spice business

People are looking for packaged spices which is triggering the spices industry.

The primary investment shall account for capital ranging from Rs 70,000 to 100,000. The area needed would be 200 to 300 square yards and the profit percentage shall be from 60 to 80.


The spice trade began in ancient times and is maintaining its sustenance even today. Consumers are becoming more interested in ready-to-use spices because they save time and effort. Spice not only help in adding flavor but also has anti-microbial properties. One can exploit the opportunities that exist in the spice industry and make heavy profits.

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