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How to Apply for West Bengal Pollution Control Board License

How to Apply for West Bengal Pollution Control Board License-corpseed.png

Introduction: West Bengal Pollution Control Board

West Bengal Pollution Control Board (WBPCB) is a statutory authority dependent to actualize ecological laws and rules inside the locale of the territory of West Bengal, India. WBPCB was comprised following the order of the main major ecological enactment of the nation, the Water (Prevention and Control of Water Pollution) Act, 1974. During its twenty-eight years of life, the Board attempted its best to guarantee legitimate execution of the resolutions, and legal and administrative proclamations and to satisfy the necessities of the individuals. At first set up to execute the arrangements of the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, in this manner, WBPCB was given the obligation of actualizing a progression of other ecological Acts and Rules.

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At present, the Board executes the arrangements of observing natural Acts and Rules inside West Bengal:

  • In 1974, the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act
  • In 1981, the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act
  • In 1977, the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Cess Act in
  • In 1991 Open Liability Insurance Act

According to arrangements of the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 all-new meaning activities (Developmental and Industrial) are required to acquire "Consent to Establish"(popularly named as NOC) from State Pollution Control Board. Contingent on the contamination and risk capability of modern exercises, the enterprises are arranged as red, orange, green, white, and absolved. There are siting limitations for these enterprises. Forthcoming business people should consider these limitations while choosing land for their proposed ventures.

Siting criteria

The West Bengal Pollution Control Board will concede and agree to work with all the ventures/ventures/foundations in the regions/zones, where such industry/venture/foundation is permitted to be set up.

For the assistance of ventures, the West Bengal Pollution Control Board will acknowledge the examination consequences of the National Accreditation Board for testing and alignment research facilities (NABL) to certify private labs for the reasons for the award of assent/approval.

Consent to Establish (NOC)

According to arrangements of the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 all-new expecting ventures (Developmental and Industrial) are required to acquire "Consent to Establish"(popularly named as NOC) from State Pollution Control Board. Contingent on the contamination and peril capability of modern exercises, the businesses are arranged as red, orange, green, white, and absolved. There are siting limitations for these enterprises. Imminent business visionaries should consider these limitations while choosing land for their proposed ventures. The ability to concede NOC for enterprises is outfitted underneath:

Consent To Establish (NOC) for new units


NOC issuing authority

Green & Orange

(Small Scale)

GM, DIC, Officer-in-Charge, Sub DIC

Green & Orange (Medium Scale) and Red (Small & Medium Scale) (other than EC attracting units)

Regional Offices of WBPCB

All Large-Scale units (other than EC attracting units)

Circle Offices of WBPCB

All EC attracting units

EIM Cell of W.B.P.C.B. at Head Office



Stone Crusher


Documents of Consent to Establish

  • Paid Bank Challan for storing expenses (third duplicate)
  • Any land-related record (lease understanding, lease receipt, land deed, porch, rent report as appropriate)
  • Gross Capital Investment Certificate (Self ensured undertaking)
  • Self-confirmed site plan/spread out with guide/course map
  • Project Report with subtleties of discharge, affluent, strong waste administration plan, crude materials, completed items, producing process including a rundown of apparatus

Consent To Operate

Running units and the units beginning an activity in the wake of building up according to NOC given by the Board need to apply for Consent to Operate. Depending upon the contamination and risk capability of mechanical exercises, the businesses are ordered as red, orange, green, white, and absolved. There are siting limitations for these enterprises. The Board, considering the consistency of ecological laws with the business issues agreed to work with the business.

The ability to give agree to work is outfitted underneath:


Consent issuing authority



(Small scale)

GM, DIC, Officer-in-Charge, Sub DIC

Green (Medium Scale), Orange, and Red (All Small and Medium Scale units other than EC drawing in units)

Both Fresh and Renewal

All Large-Scale units including EC drawing in units


Regional Offices of W.B.P.C.B.

All EC attracting units


All Large-Scale units (other than EC attracting units)


Circle Offices of W.B.P.C.B.



Stone Crusher


Documents of Consent To Operate

  • Paid Bank Challan for keeping expenses (third duplicate)
  • Any land-related archive (lease understanding, lease receipt, land deed, porch, rent report as pertinent)
  • Gross Capital Investment Certificate (Self confirmed endeavor)
  • Self-certified site plan/layout with a road map/course map
  • Project Report with subtleties of discharge, gushing, strong waste administration plan, crude materials, completed items, fabricating process including a rundown of apparatus
  • Copy of Consent to Establish (NOC) Certificate (for Fresh Consent to Operate applications)
  • Test Reports for discharge/effluent (done inside a most recent year)

Significance of WBPCB Consent Certificate

Why the WBPCB testament is Important

  • For the foundation of any new or to proceed as existing ventures
  • For the new or change in Electricity association
  • For new or change in Water association
  • For acquiring a permit or recharging from Municipal Authority
  • For Obtaining a License or reestablishment from police/Eating House License
  • For Obtaining NOC from Central Ground Water Authority (CGWA)
  • For Obtaining NOC from the Fire Department
  • For Obtaining a permit for International Trade

Who are required to take WBPCB Consent Authorization?

  • Manufacturing Entities
  • Health care Establishments
  • Traders
  • E-waste Management substances.
  • Solid waste Management substances
  • Hazardous Waste Management substances
  • Battery Waste Management substances
  • Plastic Waste Management substances
  • Bio-Medical Waste Management substances

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