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Hazardous Waste Authorization

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Introduction: hazardous waste?

Any physical, chemical or biological waste which has characteristics like toxicity, reactivity, flammability, explosiveness and corrosively and can be lethal to the environment in its pure form or mixed with other wastes or substances is known as Hazardous waste. The source of hazardous wastes is mainly industries involved in the production of pharmaceuticals, refining of petroleum, manufacturing electronic devices, paint, aluminium etc.

Industries that mainly generate hazardous wastes are:

  • Aluminium smelter
  • Caustic soda
  • Cement
  • Copper smelter
  • Distilleries
  • Drugs and pharmaceuticals
  • Dyes and dyes intermediates
  • Fertilizer
  • Leather Processing including Tanneries
  • Integrated iron and steel
  • Oil refineries
  • Pesticides
  • Petrochemicals
  • Pulp and paper
  • Sugar
  • Zinc smelter

Hazardous Waste Management:

Hazardous waste is toxic, explosive, corrosive and flammable in nature which is why proper scientific management of hazardous waste is needed from the source of its generation to its proper disposal. Also, the labours who are employed in such practices have a drastic impact on their nervous system, skin tissues, cancer and genetic defects. Therefore, there is a need for systematic management and scientific disposal of in an environmentally feasible manner by minimisation, reuse, recovery, utilization and treatment before final safe disposal.

Hazardous waste and other waste (Management and transboundary) rules, 2016

Under the EPA, 1986 the hazardous waste management rules were introduced for the proper management and safe disposal of hazardous and other wastes. The rules are applicable to the management of hazardous and other wastes as mentioned in the Schedule.

What needs hazardous waste authorization?

Any person who owns a facility involved in handling, generation, collection, storage, transport, use, treatment, recycling, processing, recovery, utilization, offering for sale, transfer or disposal of hazardous and other waste needs a mandatory permit from the state pollution control board i.e. SPCB known as Hazardous and other waste authorization.

Procedure for Hazardous and other waste authorization:

Applicant required to make an application (Form 1) to SPCB, accompanied by a copy of CTE & CTO granted by SPCB and a self-certified report complying with all the emission-effluent standards and conditions mentioned in hazardous and other wastes authorisation.

Documents required for hazardous and other wastes Authorisation

For proprietor/partnership firm

  • Adhar card
  • Pan card
  • GST Certificate
  • Land/lease documents
  • Factory license
  • Electricity bill
  • Site/layout plan

For PVT Ltd. /Public Ltd

  • All the documents mention above
  • Certificate of incorporation
  • Memorandum of Association (MoA)
  • Pan card of the company
  • Board resolution for authorized signatory

Process generating hazardous waste mentioned in the schedule of hazardous and other wastes rules, 2016 



Government Fees of Hazardous and other waste Authorization

Govt. The fee for hazardous waste authorisation depends upon the type of entity and total capital investment of the project.

Validity of Hazardous and Other Wastes Authorisation

Valid for 5 years and application for renewal of authorisation is need to be submitted 120 days before the expiry date of existing authorisation.

Import- Export Hazardous Waste Authorization

Hazardous and other wastes are imported from other countries to India. Import for disposal of any kind of hazardous and other wastes is not permitted. Permission is provided for recycling, recovery, reuse, and utilisation. (Import of plastic waste is completely banned after the amendment of rules in 2019). The nodal ministry for transboundary movement of hazardous and other wastes is the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change.

§Import procedure: Application for import of hazardous waste listed in part A and part B of schedule III with all other required documents is submitted to MoEF & CC, and a copy of same is sent to the concerned SPCB.

§Export procedure: Application for export of hazardous waste with insurance cover and consent from importing country (in case of part A of Schedule III & IV need to be submitted to MoEF & CC

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