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How to get Haryana Pollution Board Consent/Authorization for Solid, Bio-Medical and Plastic Waste Management


Introduction: Haryana Pollution Board Consent/Authorization

All new industries or industries renewing their policies or expanding their operations need to get consent from the State as well as the Central govt. to operate, where they have to adhere to certain processes and set of policies set forth for the same.

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Consent/Authorization under Hazardous Waste (Management & Handling ) Rules, 1989 :

  • Any unit generating Hazardous waste as per Schedule No. III, IV, and VIII under Hazardous Waste (Management & Handling) Rules,1989 is required to request for authorization on the composite application form to the concerned RO.
  • The unit is required to provide a pucca leakproof pit for holding HW for a period up to 31/12/05 and participate in developing a Common Storage and Treatment facility.
  • The display Board be provided near the factory gate in Red colour with Black words with various details.
  • The Board will take closure action against the HW Units operating without authorization and fail to provide the display board near the factory gate.
  • After the grant of authorization under the Rules, the industry is required to maintain a record of Hazardous Waste generated on daily basis & submit returns regarding the disposal of hazardous waste of the Board.

Authorization under Bio-medical Waste (Management & Handling ) rules,1998 amended in 2000:

  • Any unit generating Bio-Medical Waste as per schedules required to obtain authorization.
  • Every occupier of a Hospital, Nursing Home, Vetenary Hospital, Pathological Lab, Blood Bank, Slaughter House etc., except clinics of less than 1000 patients p.m. generating Bio-Medical waste is required to request for Authorization under Bio-Medical Waste (Management & Handling) rules 1998, as amended in 2000 on the prescribed form along with a prescribed fee to the concerned RO for a period up to 3 years.
  • In addition, they are required to submit an annual report to Haryana State Pollution Control Board in form II by 31st January every year to include information about the categories & quantities of biomedical waste handled during the proceeded year & also maintain records relating to the generation collection, reception storage, transportation treatment disposal & any form of handling biomedical waste in accordance with rules & guidelines issued. All records shall be subject to inspection & verification by HSPCB at any time.
  • The service providers can set up common bio-medical waste treatment and disposal facilities and apply for authorization on Form 1 along with the prescribed fee for 3 years. The facilitator should confirm to the guidelines of CPCB.

Further resort: appeal for Haryana State Pollution Control Board

In case the Haryana State Pollution Control Board refuse the authorization than the Hazardous Waste Generating Unit can file an Appeal before the prescribed authority on the prescribed form along with the prescribed fee.

Consent & registration under Municipal Solid Waste (Management & Handling) rules 2000:

Any Municipal Corporation/ Local Body generating Municipal solid waste is required to get registration from the Haryana State Pollution Control Board and to apply for Consent under the Water and Air Act.

Registration under plastic manufacturing & usage rules, 2011:

  • Any Unit manufacturing plastic carry bags/multilayer plastics is required registration from the Board and to apply for Consent under the Water/Air Acts.
  • Every recycled and plastic manufacturer unit is required to apply for registration on the prescribed form to the concerned regional officer and finally the registration letter will be issued by the head office.
  • These units are also required to apply for consent to operate underwater and air act on a composite application form along with a consent fee to the concerned regional officer and finally the consent letter will be issued by the head office.

Returns/implementation of noise pollution rules 2000:

DG Set Owners are required to provide an Acoustic chamber and to comply the standards.

  • The Haryana State Pollution Control Board has taken steps for controlling noise pollution in the State. The silence zones have been identified and Haryana State Pollution Control Board has exhibited no horn posters/signs at various silence zones in the State so that Hospitals and Schools are protected from high pitch sound of horns.
  • The Central Pollution Control Board has issued guidelines for the control of Noise Pollution from the generating sets. The units which are located in the residential areas will be persuaded to install Noise Proof Chambers for generating sets.
  • The Haryana State Pollution Control Board will pursue the State Govt. for notifying the RO’s of the Pollution Control Board as the competent authority to take action against the defaulters who are causing noise pollution.

Returns under Batteries (management and handling) rules, 2001:

The Authorized Dealers and Sales Shop handling waste automobile batteries are required to file returns to the Haryana State Pollution Control Board and to be registered with Haryana State Pollution Control Board.

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