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Responsibilities of Producers & Manufacturers under E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2016


Introduction: Responsibilities of Producers & Manufacturers under E-Waste 

Electrical or electronic devices that are discarded and can no longer be used constitute e-waste. This includes discarded televisions, refrigerators, computers, laptops, mobile phones, chargers, motherboards, etc. technology is developing at a very fast pace, as a result, e-waste is also increasing at an equal pace.

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To deal with this increasing volume of e-waste, MoEF & CC introduced the E-Waste (Management and Handling) Rules of 2011 which were replaced by E-Waste Management Rules, 2016. In the sustainable management of e-waste, various stakeholders’ like- manufacturers, producers, collection centers, dealers, refurbish, consumers, dismantlers, recyclers, state governments are involved. All of them have different responsibilities. Here responsibilities of manufacturers and producers are discussed. 

Responsibilities of Manufacturer

  • A Manufacturer should apply for authorization from the concerned SPCB in Form 1 (a). SPCB issues authorization in Form 1 (bb).
  • During and after the process of manufacturing the generated e-waste should be collected by the Manufacturer. The generated e-waste should be dispatched for recycling or disposal.
  • While storing or transporting e-waste, it is the responsibility of the manufacturer to ensure that no damage is caused to the environment.
  • A manufacturer must keep the records of e-waste generated, handled, and disposed of in Form 2. These records are to be kept open for scrutiny by SPCB.
  • Before 30th June, annual returns are to be filed in Form 3, to the concerned SPCB. 

Responsibilities of Producer

Producers producing electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) mentioned in Schedule I have the following responsibilities: 

The concept of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) has been introduced in these rules. Implementing EPR principles is the Producer’s responsibility. EPR has the below-mentioned framework:

  • Collecting and directing the generated e-waste as per the EEE code specified in Schedule I.
  • The process of directing e-waste from service centers to authorized recycler or dismantler shall be as per EPR Authorization, which should comprise of a general scheme for the collection of waste and channelizing it to authorized recycler or dismantler. In the case of mercury-containing lamps or other fluorescent lamps, for which recyclers are not available, the direction may be from collection centers to Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facility (TSDF).
  • In the case of disposal in TSDF, disposal is necessarily preceded by pre-treatment to disable mercury and reduce the volume of waste.
  • In order to facilitate end-of-life EEE, Producers must provide contact details on their website and through product user documentation to the consumers or bulk consumers.
  • The producer can implement EPR individually or collectively. In the case of individual producer responsibility, the Producer might set up his own collection center or execute a take-back system. If the producer opts for a collective system, getting tied up with an e-waste exchange or a PRO as a member is an option. In the case of an individual producer, it is mandatory to obtain EPR-Authorization from the CPCB. 
  • Spreading mass awareness through different means of communication. The equipment is to be accompanied by product user documentation which shall contain the following information-
  1. Toll-free/helpline numbers, website, address, and e-mail address
  2. Hazardous constituents in EEE
  3. Risks of improper handling, disposal, accidental breakage, damage or improper recycling of e-waste
  4. Do’s and Dont’s for handling and disposal of equipment 
  5. Details of deposit refund scheme and other means available to return e-waste
  6. Affixing a visible, legible, and indelible symbol on the products or product user documentation to prevent e-waste from being dropped in garbage bins containing waste destined for disposal

If the Producer has included a deposit refund scheme in the EPR plan, it is mandatory to give information regarding its implementation.

Only the Producers possessing EPR-Authorization, are allowed to import EEE.

The records of the handled waste must be maintained in Form 2 and kept open for scrutiny by CPCB or concerned SPCB. 

Annual returns are to be filed in Form 3 to CPCB by 30th June.

Battery Waste Management Authorization

Batteries (Management & Handling ) Rules apply to every manufacturer, importer, re-conditioner, assembler, dealer, recycler, auctioneer, consumer and bulk consumer involved in manufacture. Team Corpseed will help you to draft and submit online & offline application to respective SPCB and CPCB.

E-waste License

The E-Waste rules apply to every manufacturer, producer, consumer, bulk consumer, collection centers, dealers, e-retailer, refurbisher, dismantler and recycler involved in manufacture, sale, transfer, purchase, collection, storage.

Plastic Waste Management Authorization

Plastic Waste Management Authorization is mandatory for Plastic Waste Processors and recyclers to ensure the processing of plastic waste happens efficiently and sustainably and in compliance with the guidelines that CPCB lays down from time to time.

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