Name and Full Address along with Telephone Numbers, E-Mail and Other Contact Details of Producer (It should be the place from where sale in entire country is managed)
- Provide the company name along with the Postal Address, Telephone Address, Mobile Numbers, and e-mail Id.
- The Postal Address has to be the address of Head/Main Office/ Corporate Office, which has the control over sales in the country and also of the concerned section, which deals with matters related to E-Waste.
--------------Blog Contact Form-------------
Name of the Authorized person and Full Address with E-Mail, Telephone and Fax Number
- Provide name of the Authorized Person along with his Full Postal Address, E-Mail Id, Mobile Number and Landline Number.
- It is always better to have alternate Authorized persons and his/her required details.
Name, Address and contact details of Producer Responsibility Organization, if any with full address, E-mail, Telephone and Fax Number if engaged or implementing the Extended Producer Responsibility.
- Applicable only if Producer engages a PRO else say “Not Applicable”.
- Only the registered PROs shall be engaged.
Details of the Electrical and Electronic Equipment placed in market year-wise for the period equivalent to its average End-of-Life as mentioned in the guidelines issued by the Central Pollution Control Board
- Applicant has to provide information of only those items, which he/she has been placing on market. For the Items not being sold the Applicant has to fill “Not Applicable/ NA”
- In case the sale records destroyed/lost/untraceable; place an undertaking provided such claims are supported with, where they shall specify the approximate quantity placed on market
General Scheme of Collection
- Brief write-up on a scheme for Pan India collection of E-Waste. This write up shall specify methods envisaged or collection of E-Waste from various End Users.
- Scheme may include collection centres/ reverse logistic service provider/ Courier Service/PROs/Etc.
- Name, Address and Contact Numbers of all the Collection Centres/ Reverse Logistic Service Provider/ Courier Service/ Etc.
- Provision of Toll Free numbers for consumers to help them in sending their E-Waste. The number should be specified in application.
- Provide details of Buy-Back /Exchange / DRS/ Any Other Collection Schemes.
Channelization of E-Waste and its flow chart
- Provide write-up on movement of E-Waste from collection onwards to the premises of Authorized dismantler or recycler.
- In case of used fluorescent lamps, movement from collection centre to TSDF.
- Provide a schematic flow chart showing movement of E-Wastes various points starting from collection onwards till it reaches Authorized dismantler or recycler.
Website Information
- Website link should be provided in the application along with a screenshot that shows the content of E-Waste management-related details.
- Details of content related to collection mechanisms of E-Waste such as details of all collection schemes.
- Toll-Free number on Web Page.
- Website link has to be on the home page at a prominent place on the producer’s website.
Estimated Budget for Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) and allied initiatives to create consumer awareness
- Provide proposed financial allocation with following breakup;
- Awareness Programmes
- Schemes of Collection
- Channelization (Including Cost of Reverse Logistics)
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