Introduction: CGWA NOC for Ground Water Withdrawal for Mining Projects
Groundwater is an essential and vital component of our life support system. The groundwater resources are being utilized for drinking, irrigation and industrial purposes. There is growing concern on the deterioration of groundwater quality due to geogenic and anthropogenic activities. The quality of groundwater has undergone a change to the extent that the use of such water could be hazardous. An increase in overall salinity of the groundwater and/or the presence of high concentrations of fluoride, nitrate, iron, arsenic, total hardness and few toxic metal ions have been noticed in large areas in several states of India. Ground water contains wide varieties of dissolved inorganic chemical constituents in various concentrations as a result of chemical and biochemical interactions between water and the geological materials through which it flows and to a lesser extent because of contribution from the atmosphere and surface water bodies.
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Groundwater is the water that seeps through rocks and soil and is stored below the ground. The rocks in which groundwater is stored are called aquifers. Aquifers are typically made up of gravel, sand, sandstone or limestone. Water moves through these rocks because they have large connected spaces that make them permeable.
The area where water fills the aquifer is called the saturated zone. The depth from the surface at which groundwater is found is called the water table. The water table can be as shallow as a foot below the ground or it can be a few hundred meters deep. Heavy rains can cause the water table to rise and conversely, continuous extraction of groundwater can cause the level to fall.
Central Ground Water Authority (CGWA) made guidelines for monitoring of groundwater, In order to provide broad guidelines to state governments to frame their own laws relating to sustainable water usage.
All users drawing/ proposing to draw groundwater need No Objection Certificate (NOC) from Central Ground Water Authority (CGWA).
NOC for Ground Water Withdrawal for Mining Projects
All mining projects need clearance from Central Ground Water Authority. Clearance for the abstraction of groundwater may be granted subject to the following conditions.
- Application for No- Objection Certificate to Central Ground Water Authority (CGWA).
- The water available from de-watering operations is to be put to gainful use such as water supply, irrigation, dust suppression, mining process, etc.
- The applicant is required to establish a groundwater monitoring network and installation of digital water level recorders with quality probes and telemetry in an area within 5 km radius of the industrial cluster. The server will be maintained by the Supplier of the instrument and access will be provided to CGWA.
- The applicants shall undertake rainwater harvesting/ artificial recharge to groundwater.
- In cases where the mining project is located in Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) area, the relevant provisions of the CRZ Act shall be applicable, in addition to the conditions stipulated by CGWA.
- NOC shall be valid for a period of 2 years from the date of issuance.
- The applicant shall apply for renewal of NOC at least 90 days prior to the expiry of its validity.
Other Conditions:-
- Sale and supply of raw/unprocessed/untreated groundwater by unauthorized agencies for commercial use is not permitted
- Application for NOC shall be entertained without referral letters from the statutory authority
- The referral letter shall contain verification on the quantum of water for the industry/project with a detailed break up of groundwater consumption, and recycle & reuse of the wastewater so that the wastage of the precious resource can be avoided. In case this is not given by the referral authority, applicant should obtain a letter from the Industries Department/ Project Sanctioning Authority/ local municipal authority in urban areas on the same lines.
- The Coastal Regulation Zone Area(CRZA) rules and regulations shall be applicable wherever in vogue
- No permission would be required for the withdrawal of groundwater from any area if withdrawal is made through non-energized means.
- The mandatory clause on rainwater harvesting may be relaxed in case of waterlogged/shallow water level (< 5 m bgl during post-monsoon or as per state policy) areas.
- The abstraction structure should be located inside the premises of project property.
- The piezometer is to be installed/constructed at a minimum of 50 m distance from the pumping well through which groundwater is being withdrawn. The diameter of the piezometer should be about 4” to 6’
- The depth of the piezometer should be the same as in case of the pumping well from which groundwater is being abstracted. If, more than one piezometer are installed the second piezometer should monitor the shallow groundwater regime. It will facilitate shallow as well as deeper groundwater aquifer monitoring.
- The measuring frequency should be monthly and the accuracy of measurement should be up to cm. The reported measurement should be given in meters upto two decimals.
- For measurement of water level, a sounder or Automatic Water Level Recorder (AWLR) with a telemetry system should be used for accuracy.
- The measurement of water level in a piezometer should be taken, only after the pumping from the surrounding tubewells has been stopped for about four to six hours.
- All the details regarding coordinates, reduced level (with respect to mean level), depth, zone tapped and assembly lowered should be provided for bringing the piezometer into the National Hydrograph Monitoring System of Central Ground Water Board, and for its validation.
- The groundwater quality has to be monitored twice in a year during pre-monsoon (May/June) and post-monsoon (October/November) periods. Quality may be got analyzed from NABL accredited lab. Besides, one sample (1 lt capacity bottle) of groundwater collected during pre-monsoon after proper packing may be sent to the concerned Regional Director, Central Ground Water Board, for chemical analysis.
- A permanent display board should be installed at the Piezometer/ Tubewell site providing the location, piezometer/ tubewell number, depth, and zone tapped of the piezometer/tubewell for standard referencing and identification
The following conditions laid down in the Hon’ble Supreme Court’s Order dated August 6, 2010
- The owner of the land/ premises, before taking any steps for constructing a bore well/ tube well must inform in writing to the concerned authorities in the area, i.e., District Collector/ District Magistrate/ Sarpanch of the Gram Panchayat/ any other Statutory Authority/ concerned officers of the Department of Ground Water/ Public Health/ Municipal Corporation, as the case may be, about the construction of bore well/ tube well.
- Registration of all the drilling agencies, namely, Government/Semi-Government, Private etc. should be mandatory with the district administration/ Statutory Authority wherever applicable.
- Erection of the signboard at the time of construction near the well includes the Complete address of the drilling agency at the time of construction/ rehabilitation of well and the Complete address of the user agency/ owner of the well.
- Erection of barbed wire fencing or any other suitable barrier around the well during construction.
- Construction of cement/ concrete platform measuring 0.50x0.50x0.60 meters (0.30 meter above ground level and 0.30 meters below ground level) around the well casing.
- Capping of well assembly by welding steel plate or by providing a strong cap to be fixed to the casing pipe with bolts & nuts
- On completion of the drilling operations at a particular location, the ground conditions are to be restored as before the start of drilling. For more details, click
Documents required for NOC
- Details of Applicant (Adhaar Card/Pan Card/Board Authorization)
- Referral letter from statutory bodies viz. Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change (MoEF&CC) or State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) or State Level Expert Appraisal Committee (SEAC) or State Level Environment Impact Assessment Authority (SLEIAA)
- Geotagged mine lease map
- Document showing ownership/ lease of land.
- Mining plan approved by referral Govt. agency/ Department.
- The comprehensive report on groundwater conditions in both core and buffer zone of the area including impact assessment of mining and dewatering.
For any query related to Water Boring/Tube Well NOC click on Central Ground Water Board NOC for Drinking & Domestic Purposes
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