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Waste Management Consultant: You’re Guiding Partner!

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Understanding the origin of waste!

It can be said with no doubt that waste is generated owing to the activities carried out by humans. The problem posed by the generation of waste is something to be carefully analyzed. The recent period has witnessed a spurt in the issue related to waste and its related management strategies. Together with the increase in the volume of waste so does its variety. If we go down history, waste back then was merely seen to create a nuisance and nothing much since the population was small and people were not much aware.

At the time of the industrial revolution, which witnessed swarms of people migrating from rural to urban areas, this resulted in a population explosion and with it increased the problem with respect to waste. The streets were hogged with indiscriminate littering and it started to be openly dumped. The dump yards soon turned into breeding grounds for mosquitoes and rats which in turn started to affect public health. Waste management practices were unhealthy and affected the public severely as it led to outbreaks of epidemics.

By the time it was the 19th century, it had started occurring to the officials that suitable measures were necessary to regulate waste management practices.

Explaining the concept of waste

Waste can be understood to mean a by-product that is held useless yielded by activities performed by humans. On the physical level, the waste contains very much similar constituents as showcased by the useful product.

In other words, waste is associated to mean useless material as disposed of by the producer. Also, waste is something that a user would want to get rid of despite the fact that money is required in its disposal system.

The term waste is in itself very subjective, what might look wasteful for one person, might look resourceful for another. Hence for any material to be called waste it is indeed an important criterion that it must be tagged as waste by its owner.

Classifying waste

When one manages the waste in a manner that is environmentally sound, socially viable, and economical then only such management would be termed as being sustainable waste management. It can be made a reality only when we adore public participation, and partnerships and plan out strategically.

Approaches in waste management entail differences as synchronized with the type of waste and related geographical locations like urban or rural areas.

On the basis of source stream waste can be classified as:

  • Urban
  • Industrial
  • E-waste
  • Biomedical

The practice of waste management

Waste can be effectively managed only when a strategic approach is adopted. All the activities like generation, transfer, and disposal must be performed in an integrated fashion with a minute focus on the use of resources efficiently.

The system should be such that it must first perform an analysis of the local conditions and then get hold of the appropriate strategies to implement waste management practices.

This can be done by preventing waste in the first place, and also employing methods like recycling, composting, and last but not least managing the landfills.

The following points can prove to be quite fruitful when approaching managing waste:

  • Reduction at the level of source: This simply means incorporating such tenets that are employed at every level of consumption ranging from manufacture and material used in order to trigger reduction that too at source and prevent toxicity.
  • Concept of recycling: Recycling can be made an essential part in order to boost conservation techniques that may help the environment and lead to sustainability.

Waste management: Benefits

  • The first benefit is that we will have cleaner streets and neighborhoods, in a way we can put a stop to the breeding ground of mosquitoes.
  • If the integrated system of managing waste is strictly followed then it shall help in reducing costs that are incurred in managing waste
  • It shall ensure the presence of resource recovery at all levels and increase the rate of opportunities that it shall present
  • It shall take into account all the stakeholders running from service providers to generators of waste.
  • Instills a sense of resource efficiency
  • Integration of consultative approach

Waste management consultant

If looking for issues with respect to waste management, one can hire the services of a waste management consultant who can be a worthwhile guide and equip one with knowledge as to how to go about managing waste in the most efficient manner. A simple way to avail of such services is to research them, you can take the help of the internet.

Step-by-step guide to managing waste

  • Set a target at each level of waste generation point typically from sorting to disposal 
  • Identify the issues concerning the stakeholders that are environment-related, or technical issues
  • Identify constraints dealing with socioeconomic conditions and policy-related issues.
  • Take note of the elements like the use of technology and measures of voluntary nature
  • Setting in a strategy for implementation
  • Giving birth to a feedback mechanism for regular feedback.
  • Developing an action plan and giving effect to schemes.


It can therefore be concluded that if the whole world steps forward to employing efficient ways of waste management, then only we can serve our bit in securing the future of our mother Earth.

Technology must be duly used when it comes to bringing innovation in waste management practices. Yet another way is to bring a change in policies and laws of a place.

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