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How To Make Steel Production More Sustainable?
by Hansika Bhardwaj on 2023-09-07

India's industrial growth places high importance on the mission of steel production. This not only catalyses attracting untapped potential but also paves the way for sustainable growth.

The Challenges and Opportunities of Green Hydrogen in India
by Hansika Bhardwaj on 2023-09-06

To broaden the scope of Green Hydrogen in India, the government has launched the National Green Hydrogen Mission, with the goal of establishing an ecosystem that can address the challenges and opportunities of Green Hydrogen in the country.

How to Import Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET or Single-Use Plastics) Flakes or PET Waste in India
by Yash Chauhan on 2023-09-05

Let’s dive deep into the comprehensive blog and understand the requirements and process of how to import Polyethylene Terephthalate, single-use plastic flakes and waste in India.

Banking as a Service; What it is, Why it’s Important and How to Play
by Hansika Bhardwaj on 2023-09-05

As we embrace Banking as a Service (BaaS) in the Indian banking industry, we perceive traditional banking as an outdated notion that has become obsolete with the emergence of trailblazers like BaaS.

Convert Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) to Renewable Energy
by Yash Chauhan on 2023-09-04

A straightforward procedure is employed to generate renewable energy from Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), also known as city garbage.

10 Reasons Why India Inc Needs To Prioritise Environmental Compliance
by Hansika Bhardwaj on 2023-09-04

Top 10 reasons to prioritise environmental compliance. Environmental compliance may initially seem like a simple obligation, but it holds the potential to be a strategic advantage.