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Product Regulatory Compliance Service

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EPR Authorization for Equipment having Electrical and Electronic Components

This category covers various lab equipment that uses electricity to operate. All these devices used in a laboratory are considered e-waste at the end of their life when their intended use is over.

EPR Authorization for Gas Analyser

Gas Analyser is used to measure the availability of gas and provides relevant statistics for the research, development and decision-making in various industries.

EPR Authorization for Other Electric Diagnostic Equipment

If there is any other electrical and electronic equipment of a diagnostic nature including mobiles, tablets, with features having the potential of sex selection are categorised in this category along with their related accessories.

EPR Authorization for Fertilization Test Equipment and Accessories

The pieces of equipment, which are used to perform fertilisation tests are categorised in this category. These devices work on electricity and are called electrical and electronic devices.

EPR Authorization for MRI, PET Scanner, CT Scanner and Ultrasound Equipment and Accessories

The producers need to get EPR Authorisation for MRI, PET Scanner, CT Scanner and Ultrasound Machines to sell these devices in the market otherwise the circulation of these products will be against the e-waste management rules.

EPR Authorization for Analysers and Accessories

Analysers are used by doctors and hospitals. They run on electric power and contain electric circuits and contribute to e-waste accumulation at the end of their life span.

EPR Authorization for Laboratory Equipment for in Vitro Diagnosis and Accessories

In vitro diagnostic devices are the laboratory equipment that is used to test the samples collected from the human body to identify diseases to start proper treatment for the same.

EPR Authorization for Nuclear Medicine Equipment and Accessories

Nuclear medicine is a medical discipline that employs radiopharmaceuticals, which are radioactive tracers, to evaluate bodily functions, and diagnose and manage diseases.

EPR Authorization for Pulmonary Ventilators and Accessories

Pulmonary Ventilators help with breathing for patients having breathing problems. These medical devices are powered by electricity and constitute e-waste at the end of their life.

EPR Authorization for Dialysis Equipment and Accessories

Dialysis is a process in medical science which is used to purify blood. Equipment related to this process is called Dialysis Equipment and is used with related accessories.

EPR Authorization for Radiotherapy Equipment and Accessories

This category in medical devices includes various equipment related to radiotherapy. These tools may be of different kinds and used for different purposes but being the same at core, they are placed in the same category.