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Common Effluent Treatment Plant Rules 2022 pdf Document Released in MOEF Site on 20th January 2023

Department: CPCB

Authority: MoEF&CC


Common Effluent Treatment Plant Rules 2022 pdf Document Released in MOEF Site on 20th January 2023

Was introduced for collective treatment of ealuents from small & medium scale enterprises (SMEs) located in industrial clusters in order to reduce cost of pollution abatement of individual industries, address the lack of space issue in the individual industry, homogenize wastewater from member industries, etc.; and

Whereas, under section 6 and 25 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (Act No. 29 of 1986) hereinaRer referred to as the said Act, emuent quality standards for CETPs were noti£ed bY MoEF&CC in 19911 and subsequently revised vide Gazette NotiBcation dated 01.01.2016; and

Whereas, the Central Pollution Control Board (hereinafter referred to as CPCB) interacts with State Pollution Control Boards/Pollution Control Committees (hereinaRer referred to as SPCBs/PCCs) regarding e£fectlve monitoring mechanism to ensure compliance of effluent standards by CETPs; and