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Product Regulatory Compliance Service

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BIS Certification for Automatic Data Processing Machine

Automatic Data Processing Machines (ADPMs) are responsible for data management and are very important for businesses. They operate using tools such as a magnetic reader and data transcriber which further help in the facilitation of the process.

BIS Certification for Printers and Plotters

BIS registration for printers and plotters is very critical in India. It is also required for the sale of all those printers and plotters from which safety rule compliance is ensured, as per the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), on IS 13252 (Part 1):2010.

BIS Certification for Smart Card Reader

These readers help with tasks like making payments and checking identities. In India, smart card readers need a special approval called BIS Certification to ensure they are safe and work well. This certification follows the rules set by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) under IS 13252 (Part 1): 2010.

BIS Certification for Microwave Ovens

BIS Certification for microwave ovens is covered by Indian Standard IS 302-2-25, which stipulates specific safety conditions applicable to households and similar electrical appliances.

BIS Certification for Wireless Keyboard

IS 13252 (Part 1): The 2010 Indian Standard requires registering any wireless keyboard under the Compulsory Registration Scheme (CRS).

BIS Certification for Electronic Clocks

Indian Standard IS 302 (Part 2) Section 26:2014 states that electronic clocks must be registered under the Compulsory Registration Scheme.

BIS Certification for Scanners

Indian Standard IS 13252 (Part 1):2010 requires scanners to be registered under the Compulsory Registration Scheme (CRS).

BIS Certification for Power Banks

The power banks fall under the compulsory registration scheme under the Indian Standard IS 13252 (Part 1):2010. It ensures the safety and quality aspects of the power banks by safety standards, hence offering a trusted charging solution for the consumers.

BIS Certification for Point of Sale (POS) Terminals

BIS Certification of Point of Sale (POS) terminals complies with the Indian Standard IS 13252 (Part 1): 2010. The certification defines minimum safety and performance standards for such equipment.

BIS Certification for Electronic Musical Systems

An electronic music system is a device to produce sound, and it suits different types of music. With the advancement of technology, this system has significantly changed, along with features that include high-quality audio output.

BIS Certification for LED Lights

LED lights are widely used in households, offices and industrial sectors as they consume energy efficiently and last for a long time.